Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Fruitcake, You'll Be Nuts After This Post! A Bit Loooong...

Christmas is only
one week away!

Today I worked
on some more Christmas
crafts with the kids.

If I had my new camera
I would show you.

Finally ordered it.
Should be here
in time for
Christmas. :)

Have officially
been without a digital
camera for over a month now.
It has been really hard for
this photo taking fool!

I have taken a few photos
with my old 35mm camera,
but I haven't gotten
the film developed.

But back to the handmade
crafts subject.

I'm proud that we have
made so many of our
gifts this Christmas.

I love gifts with meaning.

I think most of the
new gifts
we did buy
are helping those
that need clean water.

That makes me very
happy to think about.

Here is a great video.

Only a few more hours to pick a winner here!

Go now! And give the gift of life this Christmas.

Forget about going shopping
last minute this weekend.
It will be stressful

Donate a gift in someone's
honor and e-mail or print one of these awesome cards !

It will make your loved ones

And if it doesn't.

Then they probably
really deserved

Oh, they like fruitcake better!?
Then they are of the small percent
that actually do like fruitcake.

Word Geek is one of them too.

Do I have proof that most people don't like fruitcake ???


But anyhow...



My Etsy Shops!